Saturday, February 22, 2014


I've had a few synchronous messages the past few days related to having fun, and laughter.  I've been rediscovering myself for the past few years and one of the things I'm reminded of is to learn to have fun again.  I somehow lost that in adulthood and all the self-created drama in my life.  Today, I stopped to think, what do I have FUN doing?  I went back in memory to my childhood and started to feel what was fun for me then.  I would love to run and play outside with friends, roller skate, play tag, oh, and I'd love to go to the beach...I have loved the water always (I'm a Pisces)!  In grade school I'd get lost in art class with the pastels and paints.  In Jr High I was fabulous at yoga and enjoyed it.  I loved singing in the school choir.  Dancing?  Awesome!  I loved the movies.  I still love all these things because it felt so good thinking of them and feeling the feelings. 
So, I understand that I'm missing out on having fun, today!  Fun is such an important part of Life!  Yes!  Some, if not all, of these things I can do again (well.....maybe not play tag); but I can go more to the movies, go swimming at the pool in my apt complex, the beach (I live in Miami, hello), take an art class.  I believe I'll do this, these; a few months ago, I went out of my comfort zone and joined a women's-only gym.  OMG, it is so much fun.  Yes, it's's challenging, but I enjoy the music, the unison of all of us moving all at once.  Seriously, I intend to have more fun!!

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