Whenever there's a new year approaching, our energy gets invested in making resolutions, and that's just great. Life is an ongoing process of evolution, growth and change.
I believe New Year goals and resolutions are important and help us focus and take steps in the direction we feel our life needs to progress.
I already thought about my own (resolutions), and even wrote them down in my new agenda for the coming year. Unlike many of my hi-techie fellow humans, I prefer my hard copy agenda vs. an electronic one.
This year, my list is pretty short. I'm not intending to DO alot. My intention is to BECOME more of my Self. I intend to learn to get in touch with as many of those feelings I have been avoiding most of my life. So, I resolve to:
- be more Aware of what's going on inside of me
- pay more Attention to the Now
- meditate more and sit with myself and my feelings/thoughts
- practice and learn to be with Life just as it is, to the best of my capacity. This will entail less complaining, judging and escaping.