Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Today's A Course in Miracles lesson is #142 (a review of two previous ones).  

--I thank my Father for His gifts to me.
--Let me remember I am one with God.

So, I sat with the first statement or lesson.  I closed my eyes and began to think about this.  What are God's gifts to me?  And they came to my awareness as I said them out loud to myself.  They are so many, and so good.  I'm sure I overlooked some but the ones that were popping up like a water fountain were these:

Peace, joy, power, grace, love, abundant good, security, happiness, purpose, eternity, communion with God all the time, connection, wholeness, truth, innocence, light, wisdom, vision, guidance, freedom, oneness.    

I spent a few seconds with some of them realizing these gifts are more a state of being than what any object or person can provide.  They cannot be taken away from me, but only I can renounce or forget them. To sit with this lesson and in stillness practice what God's gifts can feel like is to remember who I am and to find what is already mine.  I realize that I already have and am all of these and it's my choice, moment to moment, to step into my true identity and experience the above.  I remember that I am one with God.  

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